Pre-Gig Pep-Talk
How great do you want to play?

I'm guessing you are a musician. Do you perform live? Record? Do you compose? Improvise? Do you teach music?
Are you just starting out? Professional or student?
This course is for you.
The Pre-Gig Pep-Talk online course: 3.5+ hours of video.
4 hours+ Mp3 Hypnosis covering a wide range of topics:
- Stage Fright - actually ENJOY performing!
- Confidence - Feel amazing on stage, on TV, in the studio etc
- Turbo-practice - Focus DEEPLY and achieve more in less time!
- Creativity - write/improvise amazing music
- Sight-Reading - Fast, Fluent and Accurate!
- Much, much, MUCH more!
Tried and Tested since 1999.
Updated and expanded to meet specific issues that face ALL musicians.
The Pre-Gig Pep-Talk is the NEWEST most POWERFUL and COMPLETE program of its kind.

You Will Learn:
- The Keys to Motivation
- How to avoid Negative Imprinting
- The 'Correct' Brainwaves for Perfect Practice
- The Famous 'BUTTOCKS' Visualisation (yes, really!)
- Learn The Three Golden Sentences of Teaching
- Engineer your own 'Breakthrough Moments'

Music college was great. You learnt how to play, how to write, how to improvise and even teach. You learnt how to listen and analyse...
All Conscious Processes!
Nobody really taught you how to use your UN-conscious.
That's a shame because THAT'S where all
the really great stuff comes from!
The Pre-Gig Pep-Talk course teaches you how to play 'out of your skin'.
Using the easy and fun techniques in the course you'll eclipse your own potential and
blow the competition out of the water.
Be excited!

- Learn how the hypnosis MP3s work. No secrets, no jargon, just a little 'need-to-know' psychology.
- Use the unique 'TRIGGER' tracks just prior to your performance. Feel your 'inner-star' go SUPERNOVA!
- Learn how to reach the deep 'learning trance' during your practice sessions and make the hours feel like minutes.
- Extra tracks for MUSIC EXAMS and AUDITIONS. What would it mean to be positive and confident in those situations?

Stage-Fright GONE! S.S. Scotland
I am a professional classical singer and have started to have bad stage and audition anxiety in the past year. As the gigs became more high profile and important my insecurity became worse. I used your hypnosis tracks for 5 days and then had an engagement with an orchestra just last night. I used the tools and suggestions for relaxation and my performance was more musical and relaxed than any other performance I can remember. Thank you so much for helping me to get back on the right track and focus on the right things in my performances.
Turbo-Practice WORKS!
When I started playing my guitar (after using the tracks) something was totally different. My playing technique had improved, like overnight, man! It was stronger, more authoritative, more expressive and I was playing longer than I normally do. I did not know what happened. I just thought it was due to all the practice I do. But then I thought that leap in improvement would not have happened so quickly with normal practice. Then I thought maybe it was the hypnosis. So, I went to listen to the words… aha, my playing reflected what the track had said. I was shocked. So, thanks for creating this marvellous tool.
Breakthrough moment!
It’s amazing! Every time I use the Pre-Gig Pep-Talk track I play a really ‘smokin’ gig! I feel so relaxed and in control. The course is worth the price for this track alone. Thanks for helping me break through a barrier that had kept me on the same level for years! I owe you one, Sam!

- If you could sight-read fast and accurately, what gigs could you get?
- How much more money could you earn?
- If you could master material ten times faster and more securely when you practice, where would you be in six months time?
- If you had un-shakeable confidence, where would your music take you?
- ...So what's stopping you?
I hate sales pages too, which is why:
Look, you either want this or you don't. I'll not waste your time, I promise.
Case Study: L.K. Arizona USA.
She was getting nowhere. Virtually no progress despite practising for hours. Distractions, however small, seemed to always break her concentration. Her lack of progress was frustrating and she was getting really stressed out about it because she had a recital coming up and was convinced she would screw it up.
Then I got this email:
I have been listening to the Self Hypnosis for Musicians tracks for a week and have vastly noticed a difference in my practice sessions!!!! This CD really does work and my advice is to ANY musician who wants to improve their practice, concentration, playing skills and self confidence is to get this now!!!!! I have also found Sam's Self Hypnosis tracks to be VERY relaxing and it even helps with every day stress that one can encounter. AWESOME, piece of work and well worth EVERY penny! Congratulations on a GREAT product!!!!!
Zero-risk to you when you enrol.
Don't like my style and feel you have not benefited from the material? Drop me an email and I'll refund you.
Don't like my style and feel you have not benefited from the material? Drop me an email and I'll refund you.

Terms and Conditions:
You must complete the course to qualify for the refund. All the hypnosis material from the paid section of the course will no longer work. All material is copyright protected unless specifically stated within the media.

The author accepts no responsibility for the use or misuse of the material presented here. Do not use whilst driving or operating machinery. If you suffer from any mental disorder, consult your doctor before using the material here.